Nobody likes to get sick. When nothing good is going on at school, staying home and watching movies seems fun for a bit. You’d be really bummed, though, if you missed the field trip to the children’s theater. Still, you know that in a few days you’ll feel better.
What about when you find out you have something more serious going on? Maybe you found out you have ADHD or dyslexia. Some kids get cancer or need heart transplants. It can be scary when you have no idea if you’ll get better or not. How can God possibly make even these things work for your good?
Jesus had a friend who was so sick that he was about to die, and everyone was worried. Jesus said, “This sickness will bring glory to God so that the Son of God will receive glory through it” (John 11:4).
How can your problems bring God glory? Sometimes you’ll see how God works—right away. If you’re in the hospital, you get to tell your doctors and nurses about Jesus. The other kids in the hospital with you are probably scared too. Let them know that God promises to be with them and watch over them, the same way he is with you.
Maybe you’ll see how God works—in the future. If you have a tough time focusing because of ADHD now, maybe you will grow up and tutor kids who have the same struggles. Because you know what they are going through, you can set an example for them.
No matter when or how God uses your problems to make you into the person he wants you to be, you give him the glory when you say, “God helped me. He wants to help you too.”