Godly Confidence

Read: John 17:3; 1 Corinthians 1:20-25; Galatians 5:22-24;  Romans 8:32

Our culture insists that no can one can know anything with total certainty. If you buck that notion by claiming Christianity is truth, you’ll be quickly accused of pride, self-righteousness, and being judgmental. Sadly, even some Christians have been swept up in this false humility about what we can know, sometimes pointing to references in Scripture about the “mystery of faith.”

One of the healthiest things any Christian can do is upgrade his confidence in the truth of our faith. Ironically, the “mystery” of our faith refers to the actual person and work of Jesus Christ. Jesus– who completely reveals, fully explains and totally fulfills God’s purpose in creating humanity, thereby solving the mystery of man’s origin and meaning.

Jesus’ greatest challenge to all worldviews and world religions is the magnitude and concreteness of what Christianity claims. Christianity does not simply say our God is true. Our God is Truth, and He anchors Himself in human history through Christ’s death, burial and resurrection, fulfilling countless recorded prophecies from the earliest days of human civilization.

Christianity not only claims that we can know and experience God individually and directly. It teaches that our faith is meant to produce specific public actions that everyone can attest to as good, no matter what culture or civilization we live in.

Christianity not only has a holy book. Our God communicates to us through the wonders of creation, through his Holy Spirit who dwells inside us and through the Word, Jesus, the son of God, whose sacrifice at the cross for our sin says everything that ever could be said about our evil hearts and our heavenly Father’s desire to rescue us.

Our gospel is not mysterious. The power of our good news is that it can stand any test of its claims.

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