Godly Men, Part 1

Blessed is the man who does not walk in the counsel of the wicked or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers. Psalm 1:1 NIV

Will you open your heart to see what God would have us to learn as we look at what the Bible says about Godly men?

First, where do we find a Godly man? Without sounding elementary, you look for Godly men among other Godly men. Godly men usually hang out with other Godly men. I must admit, this has been a real challenge for me in my Christian walk. I, like many other men, want to attain great things in life. I want to be recognized for my achievements in the business world and in my community. Sometimes, however, climbing the proverbial ladder at any cost would cause me to forgo my Christian principles, and I have had to rethink my strategies.

Several years ago I was asked to chair a committee function. One of the requirements was that I had to organize a party, which involved drinking and basically “bar hopping”. Now, I am not a prude, but I knew I couldn’t hold my witness with the young people I teach each week if I was seen in this setting. I had to pass up the opportunity, even though I knew it would have allowed me significant exposure to some important people.

A Godly man must sometimes make sacrifices in order to remain Godly. As we look at what makes a Godly man in this series, I ask you to examine your surroundings. What in your life would you care to share with Jesus were He to come and join you? If the preacher were to “drop in” unannounced, would he be welcome in your home at any time, or would you sometimes have to quickly grab the television remote. Are there any habits or sins you know are not Godly? Is there anyone that is negatively impacting your walk with Christ?

This week, let us men take our seats among the Godly men of the Bible, and let’s see what a difference we can make in the world around us. And look around to those you consider today to have their place among the group of men whom God would highly praise. Are you among that crowd? Am I? I’m praying to that end.

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