God's Glory: In Worship


God of glory, I desire to honor You in all that I do. Teach me, Lord.




How does this translate in modern culture?

Paul is responding to questions the Corinthian Christians have raised as he praises them for their faithfulness to the traditions he has passed onto them (2). However, the challenge for subsequent readers is to work out what these questions might have been.

Paul assumes his readers are familiar with the influence of Roman, Corinthian and Jewish practices in worship as well as customs relating to head-covering, the shaving of a woman's head, and how men and women relate to each other in public. In addition, there is a common understanding of angels which we cannot be clear about (10). Three features of their worship meet his approval and transcend cultural practices. First, women and their gifts play a central part in the experience of the worshiping community (5,13). Second, men and women share in public praying and prophesying, even though at that time the way this was done varied between the genders (4,5). Third, Paul calls for the celebration of and respect for gender distinctions in worship, so that even the way we dress gives glory to God!


Consider how things which may be neutral to you may advance or hinder the Gospel in light of our culture.


Lord, You are good and You are worthy of all my devotion. My life is Yours.

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