God's Got This

All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be. —Psalm 139:16 (niv)

We said yes to adoption, and God was providing in miraculous ways. I was eager to start checking tasks off our huge to-do list.

But we couldn’t do much until we completed our home study, which is the first step in every adoption. It’s a weeding process that ends, we hope, with a stamp of approval. So when our first interview approached, I made sure everything was arranged. My dad would watch our son, so we could make the two-hour drive. My husband went into work on Sunday, so he could leave work early on Tuesday. And on Monday, I e-mailed Robin, our social worker, to make sure we were good to go. She quickly e-mailed back. Our interview wasn’t Tuesday; it was today.

I was scrambling to make it work, until our son started throwing up and we were forced to reschedule.

Robin said she was free the following Monday. I checked with my husband, and my dad, and I circled the date in our calendars. It wasn’t until the day of our appointment that I realized I’d never confirmed with Robin. I called her office, but she was out for the day. I’d messed up twice in a row. I prayed the third time would be a charm, but Robin got sick and we had to reschedule yet again.

How would this adoption happen if we couldn’t even get started with our home study? In tears, I called one of my friends. “God’s got this, Katie,” she reminded me. “He knows exactly who your child will be. Canceled appointments aren’t going to change that.”

Thank You, Lord, that nothing will thwart Your plans—not sick tummies and not my mistakes.

Written by Katie Ganshert

Digging Deeper: Ex 4:11;Job 31:4, 42:2

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