Goodness and Mercy Hunt You Down

“Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life, and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever” (Psalm 23:6 NIV).

Bloodhounds are fascinating dogs. They have such a sensitive sense of smell that they can distinguish smells at least a thousand times better than humans. Once a bloodhound smells a scent, it needs to track. It doesn’t give up until it finds the source. Some bloodhounds have been known to stick to a trail for more than 130 miles. This sense of smell is so good, and the dog is such a reliable tracker, that lawyers can use that information when they are in a court in front of a judge.

Goodness and love are called the hound dogs of God. When King David says, “Surely goodness and love will follow me all the days of my life,” really he is saying, “Surely goodness and love will hound me.” You can’t run away from God’s goodness; you can’t escape God’s kindness. When Jesus lived his whole life without sinning and then took the punishment you deserve, he gave you peace with God. God can now hound you with goodness and love. The blessings in your life aren’t random; they aren’t accidents or luck. You don’t stumble around and accidentally find them.

God’s goodness and love are a choice. He hunts you down and tracks you in order to give them to you. They won’t ever stop following you.

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How have you seen God’s goodness and love hunting you down like a hound dog?

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