Great Commission

Matthew 28:19-20

Jesus’ command to his followers, to “make disciples,” is non-negotiable. It’s something we do. The only question is, “How well am I doing?” The reality is we’re either doing this well or we’re not. Our responsibility, as we become like the Christ, is to help others toward this same goal.

Our role, in every area of our lives, is to encourage movement toward the way of Christ. Overarching every role we play—parent, employer or employee, coach, player, student, neighbor, and friend—is the role of influencing everyone around us to be like the Christ. Our problem is that we can go entire days (weeks, months?) and give no thought to this Great Commission from Jesus.

Our first step is to recognize that this is, indeed, our role. Chances are, we’ve given very little—if any—thought to this role.

Today, as you open your hands and welcome God into your day, think of a significant relationship and one thing you can do (in the next few days) to encourage that person to be more like the Christ. It doesn’t necessarily have to be something big or dramatic, but think of something you can continually do as you help them become more like Jesus.

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