Hand Over the Leash

And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from the evil one (Matthew 6:13).


Who's in control? We like to think we are in control. We convince ourselves that we hold the leash to life; but we’re not as in control as we think we are. Everyone has something—maybe a habit, thought, relationship or addiction—they don’t want, yet it still has some control in their lives.

Hand over the leash! To discover real freedom, we need to hand over the leash to God. How? We have to first admit that we have something to hand over. Then we need turn to God—through prayer, community or reading His word—every time that thing tries to control us.

What area of your life are you trying to wrestle control away from God? Where do you need to hand over the leash and allow God to lead you away from danger?

Follow Jesus’ model of prayer in Matthew 6, and ask God to deliver you from evil by handing over the leash of your life to him.

As a reminder that God is in control and holds the leash to your life, tie a string around your wrist. When someone asks what it means, take the opportunity to share how God is in control of your life.

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