Have It Your Way

"About that time David's son Adonijah, whose mother was Haggith, began boasting, ‘I will make myself king.’" 1 Kings 1:5a (NLT)

“About that time.”  What time was it?

Glancing back at verses 1-4, we discover the time refers to David's old age. He addressed the community of Israel, proclaiming God's appointment for the next king; then, we find him in need of full-time care. The words describing his inability to stay warm are very tender to me. This shepherd boy turned king, our hero, the harpist, prolific psalmist, and mighty warrior had grown old.

Despite David’s proclamation, his son rallied support to appoint himself king. Unbelievable! When I read about Adonijah’s rebellious acts, my mind raced and my lips sang the old Burger King theme song, "Hold the pickles, hold the lettuce, special orders don't upset us. All we ask is that you let us serve it your way. Have it your way.” (Honestly, I sang that song at least ten times in my head today. Now it’s stuck there!) But it speaks directly to Adonijah’s state of mind and frankly it spoke clearly to me. Adonijah wanted things his way.

Many times I sense the Lord’s leading concerning a situation but believe my solution is better than His. (Some nerve, right?) I choose to stick my fingers in my ears and sing, "La La La La La," pretending not to hear the Lord. Like Adonijah, I raise and rally support within myself and from others for my plan.

Any time we push our agenda over the Lord’s, things are bound not to go well. Just as Adonijah’s plan failed, so will yours if it is out of God’s will. The Lord's plans will prevail with or without your cooperation. You can’t thwart them. Following the Lord in complete obedience prevents unnecessary heartache and frustration, as well as keeps every hair on your head untouched. (1 Kings 1:52)

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