Have You Been Born?

"Jesus called for them saying, 'Permit the children to come to Me, and do not hinder them.'" - Luke 18:16

Have you been born?  Now, that probably sounds like a really dumb question, because if you’re reading this, you’ve obviously been born! In fact, few things in life inspire a couple more than giving birth to a child. It’s one of those times when even a skeptic tends to believe in God. The same is true when a couple adopts and sees that child for the first time. But as awesome as it is to be blessed with children, it’s doubly awesome to know that your child has been born into the family of God.

This hit home one year on a trip to Israel when my three sons were baptized in the Jordan River as a testimony of their faith in Jesus Christ. My heart was overflowing, knowing that all of them, at different points in their lives, had been born into the family of God through faith in Christ. My wife and I have not only had the blessing of these sons being born into our family, but of knowing that they’re in the family of God forever.

Have your children been born into the family of God? Have you? It comes through faith in Christ. Having or adopting children are wonderful, but being born into the family that lasts forever is the greatest of all.


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