Have You Ever Examined Your Financial Motives?

Many people make daily decisions for earning, spending, saving, investing, borrowing and even giving money without ever considering their motives for these actions. 

Proverbs 16:2 says, All the ways of a man are pure in his own eyes,but the Lord weighs the spirit.

Solomon is teaching us that we think our actions are always right and justified but the Lord is looking much deeper into our spirit. In other words, motives matter. 

Here are a few starter questions? 

What is my motive for the work that I do?  Is it to get rich? Store up a retirement fund so that I can take a long vacation and eat, drink and be merry?  Or is it to glorify God by taking care of my family and doing work that pleases him?

How about your spending?  Do you find yourself wanted the latest gadget, the highest quality, and the name brands because of pride? Or are you careful with spending recognizing that you are a steward of God’s money.

Consider why you want to get out of debt. Some are motivated to have financial freedom to simply increase their lifestyle and live more comfortably than others. Some want to be out of debt to become move materialistic but with less guilt or lower costs.  A better motive is to be free from the control of any masters to serve God to the fullest: To have one master only.

We should even examine our motive for giving.  Do we give to get something in return, to impress others, to make a name for ourselves?  Or do we give to please God and look only for the rewards he promises to cheerful givers?

Motives matter…so be sure you are pleasing God, not yourself when you make financial decisions. 


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