Have You Lost Your Peace Because of Financial Problems?

Worry, stress and financial bondage can destroy our peace and take control of our lives. We all want to find peace, but how do you achieve it when it seems impossible in your current circumstances?

Jesus said in Matthew 6:24:

“No one can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and money.  In this passage, we are given a choice to make… who we will serve. The root issue is to determine our true Master and serve Him only.”

When we choose to serve God, a conflict in our heart is resolved and we experience peace that money can't give.

Never fall into the trap of believing that peace comes from our financial condition. Budgets may give us order and reduce stress, but the underlying tension is who has Lordship of our lives.

I made this choice in 1999, I confessed that money had been my true Master and I repented and asked God to forgive me of my idolatry.  I then determined that Christ would be on the throne of my heart in all my financial decisions.  Peace flooded my heart, mind and soul.  On a practical level, I began to make decisions to re-order all my financial strategies based on man’s economy to living in God’s economy.  My finances are improved but more importantly, peace has ruled my heart. You see, I had a heart problem that had to be solved so that money could never rob me of peace again.


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