“‘He [the Holy Spirit] will glorify Me, for He will take of what is Mine and declare it to you.’” -- John 16:14
Many years ago, I was a guest speaker at a church. As I was sitting on the platform worshipping before I spoke, the Holy Spirit drew my attention to a lady in the congregation and spoke something to me about her. After I was introduced, I asked her to stand up and said, “When we were worshipping, the Holy Spirit asked me if I knew your past.” Immediately, her countenance fell. She actually put her head down. “I said, ‘No, Lord, I don’t know about her past.’ Then the Holy Spirit responded, ‘Neither do I.’ ” As she lifted her head back up with a big smile, I told her, “Ma’am, God knows everything about you, but He has chosen not to remember your sins. It’s time for you to choose not to remember them either.”
I’ll never forget this moment because it shows an attribute about the Holy Spirit that’s easy to forget. He is a kind, compassionate, and sensitive Person Who brings us closer to God and Jesus. In fact, according to today’s verse, one of the major functions of the Holy Spirit is to glorify Jesus. He also directly connects us to Jesus and God, the Father, despite our failings. If you’re a believer, it’s because the Holy Spirit initially drew you to Jesus. And once you become a believer, the Spirit continues to connect you to God and reveal how great He is. The Holy Spirit doesn’t seek to remind us of our sinful past, but He wants us to see God’s grace and love in our lives.
Isn’t it wonderful to know the Holy Spirit has seen us at our worst but still desires to draw near to us with kindness and compassion? His job is not to expose our sin and embarrass us but rather to bring us into right standing with God. Is there something in your life the Holy Spirit wants you to bring to God?
Holy Spirit, I am so thankful You’ve drawn me close to You regardless of my past. Thank You for not remembering my sins and for showing me how wonderful God is. I love You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Psalm 65:4; John 6:44; Hebrews 10:15–17; James 4:8
Taken from The God I Never Knew, a Gateway devotion.