He Is Everywhere

Where can I go from your Spirit? Where can I flee from your presence? If I go up to the heavens, you are there; if I make my bed in the depths, you are there. Psalm 139:7–8

Family Quest

Take a globe or a map of the world and locate as closely as possible the place where you live. Locate three places that are as far as possible from where you live. Use the Internet or an atlas to find how many people live in each of these places, what the climate is like, and how near it is to an ocean or mountains.

Talk It Out

  • How far would we have to go to get away from God?
  • How is God present in these far-off places?
  • How does this make us feel when we go to school or camp or on vacation?

Parent-Child Connection

God’s omnipresence should be a comforting reality for your children as long as they know that God’s love and compassion also follow us everywhere. If kids see God as their protector, then His omnipresence is a good thing. But if they fear God, then this can be a scary reality. Let your child know that it is a good thing for God to be “everywhere.” He is always available when we need Him.

Talk to God

As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank God for being everywhere and (2) ask the Lord to open her eyes to see Him in whatever new places she might go.

This is an excerpt from 101 Ways to Strengthen the Parent-Child Connection by Michael and Tiffany Ross. It’s a fast, fun resource that’s jam-packed with 101 creative ways to help you connect with your kids. . .and nurture their spiritual growth.


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