He Is Love

Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. 1 John 4:7

Family Quest

We use the word love almost every day. There are so many types of love and ways to love each other. It’s amazing that they all come from the same source: God. Bake a giant cookie in the shape of a heart. Decorate it together, and then enjoy a sweet feast!

Talk It Out

  • Whom do you love? Who loves you?
  • What are the different kinds of love?
  • How has God shown His love for you? How can you show love to others?

Parent-Child Connection

Love is a common theme in songs and books, and it’s easy for kids to lump them all together into one category. But there are so many different kinds of love. Romantic love is different than the love you have for your country. The love that a parent has for his child is different than the love he has for his favorite football team. But God’s love supersedes all of those. And it is the source of all of the other kinds of love. This is a topic that can easily be carried on in the future. Point it out when you hear a song on the radio or watch a kids’ television show. It will really help your child see the difference.

Talk to God

As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank Jesus for being the source of all true love and (2) ask the Lord for help as he reaches out to others.

This is an excerpt from 101 Ways to Strengthen the Parent-Child Connection by Michael and Tiffany Ross. It’s a fast, fun resource that’s jam-packed with 101 creative ways to help you connect with your kids. . .and nurture their spiritual growth.


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