He Is Moral

But the wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving, considerate, submissive, full of mercy and good fruit, impartial and sincere. James 3:17

Family Quest

Play a game of truth or dare. Make sure all of your dares are safe and fun. Give extra attention to your truth questions. Fashion them as questions that present a moral dilemma, such as, “If your friend stole something from the store, would you tell on them?”

Talk It Out

  • Is it easy or hard to do the right thing?
  • How do you feel when you make a bad decision? And when you make a good one?
  • In what ways is God our example of how to be moral?

Parent-Child Connection

Playing truth or dare with your kids can be a little dangerous. Chances are, they will ask you some difficult questions as well. This is an opportunity to be open and honest with them. You may learn more about your child by her questions than by the ones you are asking. Once again, this is the type of game that can be picked up later as you continue to teach your child through conversation.

Talk to God

As you pray, encourage your child to (1) thank the Lord for being our moral guide and (2) ask God to help her make good decisions every day.

This is an excerpt from 101 Ways to Strengthen the Parent-Child Connection by Michael and Tiffany Ross. It’s a fast, fun resource that’s jam-packed with 101 creative ways to help you connect with your kids. . .and nurture their spiritual growth.
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