He Is Your Sanctuary

A glorious throne, exalted from the beginning, is the place of our sanctuary. —Jeremiah 17:12 (niv)

It was work time. The baby was napping, both of my older kids were at school, and I had a big deadline looming. But as I pulled out my laptop, I just sat there staring at the screen.

I was stuck. Frozen, really. For twenty precious minutes, my thoughts raced around in my head as my to-do list threatened to overwhelm me. Yet I was unable to type a single word.

“What is going on, Lord?” I prayed. “I only have a small window of time to get a lot done. Why am I wasting the precious minutes that I have just sitting here?”

Then my Bible, which had been unopened for at least a week, caught my eye. Instantly, I knew. I had been so preoccupied with getting my work done, in checking another task off of my ever-growing list, that I had forgotten to schedule time with God.

I picked up His Word and opened it to the last page I had bookmarked. I spent twenty precious minutes with Him, pouring out my heart and letting His truth soak into the fibers of my busy life. As I drew closer to God, my frozen mind started to thaw. Ideas started to flow. And words started to pour out of my heart.

Lord, even when life threatens to pull me away from You, bring me back. Remind me of the sanctuary that I have in You. Amen.
Digging Deeper: Ps73 
Written by Erin MacPherson
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