After trick-or-treating you know exactly how much candy you have, and you keep track of it. You don’t even have to write it down to know that you have 9 pieces of licorice, 14 mini peanut butter cups, 42 pieces of taffy, 37 pieces of gum, 13 chocolate bars, and 3 each of 7 other kinds of candy bars. (This mental list also is what gets your parents into trouble when they snitch the candy from your bucket after you go to bed.)
God knows you just as well as you know your candy bucket. He tells you, “Even every hair on your head has been counted. Don’t be afraid!” (Luke 12:7).
God pays attention to the tiniest of details in your life and keeps track of them. He knows the big stuff, like when you’re afraid to start a new school. When you feel alone, crying yourself to sleep because of a fight with a friend, he’s there. When you wonder if he’s listening, he is. When you are anxious about making a mistake in a game, he knows.
God paid attention to your biggest problem—being separated from him because of sin—and he took care of it by sending Jesus. You are his child now, and he cares about every single piece of your life.
Don’t be afraid. He’s keeping track of you.