He’s Waiting for Your Call

I’ll bet you don’t have the phone number for the President of the United States. I don’t have his number either. Even if we did have it, it’s safe to assume that if we called him, he wouldn’t answer. Why wouldn’t he take our call? Because he doesn’t know us. He’d see the unknown phone number come up on his screen and do what many of us often do … let it go to voice mail.

Although we can’t call the President and expect to get an answer, I have some incredible news for you: The Creator of the Universe not only knows who you are, but He’s willing to take your call at any time! In fact, He is expectedly waiting for you to call Him!! One of the things God encourages over and over in the Bible is for His people to look to Him and call out to Him. Not only can we call Him at any time of day or night, but we’re assured that when we call He is ready to hear and help us in any area of life that we want His involvement.

Consider this: The One who put our Solar System in place, as well as all the galaxies with their hundreds of trillions of stars, is ready and willing to help us whenever we call upon Him. Wow!! Check out this promise from God found in 1 Peter 3:12: “The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and His ears are open to their prayers.” When you call out to God, He never puts you on hold or forwards you to voice mail. He doesn’t check caller ID to see if He feels like hearing from you. His ears are open! He’s always available, ready and willing to help anyone who comes to Him.

Never try to handle life’s challenges on your own. Don’t struggle in your own efforts to get through the difficulties that are coming your way, as well as those you may be facing today. Call out to the One who promises to hear, and who can bring strength to you that is far beyond anything you could ever experience on your own. Give Him the opportunity to answer your call and to show you how good He really is!

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