Heal People

“The men there recognized Jesus and sent messengers all around the countryside. The people brought him everyone who was sick. They begged him to let them touch just the edge of his clothes. Everyone who touched his clothes was made well” (Matthew 14:35, 36).

Your little brother and sister believe a parent’s kiss is magic. Moms or dads can kiss an owie and make it all better. You’re getting more grown up, so maybe you don’t believe that anymore. Yet when you’re hurt, you still look to your parents for a hug or a gentle touch because somehow it does help you feel a little better.

That’s how these people were with Jesus. Yes, Jesus was a human, but he was also God at the very same time. The same Jesus who was going to defeat death by God’s power had power over sickness too. Just by touching him, people were healed. This same Jesus happens to be your brother, and he is still alive. Even though he is not here on earth, because he is in heaven preparing a place for you, he can and still does have the power to heal. Just ask.

Heal people—that’s what your God can do.

Chomp on this!

Are there people in your life who are sick? Pray for them.

Dear God, thank you for putting this story in the Bible. Sometimes because I don’t see you in person, I forget just how powerful you really are. You still have power over sickness; you still can heal people. We pray for our friends and family who are sick, and we ask you to heal them so they can tell more people about you and your power. Amen.

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