Heaven and Earth Collide

Do you remember your middle school years? That was an awkward time, right? No one really knows who they are. In one summer, a friend who was skinny in 6th grade comes back to school the next year with a beard, chest hair, and is six inches taller.

But when we get an idea of who we are, things change. Read what I write next, and see if things begin to change as we realize who we are in Christ...

In the Old Testament, the high priest would enter into the temple and go into the Holy of Holies on the Day of Atonement.

The temple is where heaven and earth would meet. And in the temple, which is God’s House, the high priest would make sacrifices on behalf of himself and the people of Israel. This was a great day of celebration. The people’s sin would be forgiven for a whole year!

Christ-follower, did you know that you are now God’s royal priest (1 Peter 2:9)?

As God’s royal priest, you are God’s temple (1 Cor. 6:18-20). And you are God’s house (1 Peter 2:4-5).

Everything the OT priest was and did on the Day of Atonement, is IN you.

As God’s royal priest, you are a bridge of grace to those who don’t know Jesus.

As God’s temple, heaven and earth collide in you.

And as God’s house, everywhere you go, God goes, and your life becomes a living center of worship.

This is who you are, Christ-follower!

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