Heaven Is a Dance Party

Dance parties are fun. You get a bunch of friends together, crank up the music, then jump and dance and spin and shout and laugh.

The Israelites hadn’t had that kind of fun in a long time. They had been held captive for a while when God talked to them, through the prophet Jeremiah, to tell them that he would bring them back home—and that there would be a dance party. “I love you with an everlasting love. So I will continue to show you my kindness. Once again I will build you up, and you will be rebuilt, my dear people Israel. Once again you will take your tambourines, and you will go dancing with happy people” (Jeremiah 31:3,4).

God loves you with an everlasting love too. He shows you his kindness and tells you that he is building you a room in heaven so you can be with him forever. So you, like King David, can say, “You have changed my sobbing into dancing. You have removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy so that my soul may praise you with music and not be silent. O Lord my God, I will give thanks to you forever” (Psalm 30:11,12).

Until Jesus comes back, tell everyone you meet about what he has done for you. There is still plenty of room at God’s dance party. Invite your friends.

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