Help! I Don't Have Time!

Probably one of the most frequently asked questions I hear from single moms pertains to time-management issues. Sound familiar? One mom expressed, “I don’t know how it happens. I try my hardest, but before I know it, all the ‘important’ things sit there undone.”

Sound familiar?

Single mom, you have all you need to accomplish each day’s demanding schedule with Christ-empowered energy. You don’t have to squeeze it all in. When you bring Jesus into the race, He sets the pace for you by somehow multiplying the time.

Here’s a few helpful considerations in taming this monster called the clock.

Seek God First
In Matthew 6 Jesus advised, “Seek Me first, and everything else will be added unto you.” I love that ‘everything’ word. It means all those other ‘important’ things that remain undone, He’ll manage. So pray each morning, “Lord, you know my ‘everything.’ You take the lead today.”

Set Priorities
You can’t do it all, but through God’s strength you can do what matters the most, so eliminate time wasters. If it doesn’t make you a better mom or elevate your spiritual growth and stamina, then cut it out. When I did that, I found spurts in the day when I’d actually feel a “God Hug.” 

Share Responsibilities
Learn to delegate or share the load. Stop thinking, “If I want something done, I have to do it myself.” What can the kids do around the house to help? Give them age appropriate chores. It helps you and it enhances community and ownership in your family unit. 

Friend, you can’t do it all, but you can function in the bubble of God’s time capsule. Ecclesiastes promises, “God had made everything beautiful in His time.” God understands the concept of time. He’s the one who dishes it out to you moment my moment knowing how the two of you can best utilize and maximize its potential.

So take heart. Time doesn’t have to chase you. You can tell it to ‘hush’ by bringing God into the chase and resting in His plan to ‘tick away.’

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