Help Solve the Puzzle!

Poverty is complex, just like a giant puzzle. World Vision has worked for more than 60 years to address all the pieces. They believe that by addressing all the pieces of the poverty puzzle that they can provide a lasting impact for children and families around the world-- but not without your help.

When you sponsor a child through World Vision you are helping bring nutritious food, protection, health, Jesus' love, education opportunities and clean water to that child as well as his or her family and community.

This Saturday from 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, stop by your local Family Christian store to learn more about how you can help solve the poverty puzzle by sponsoring a child in need. And bring your kids because we'll have special treats and activities for them! We'll also give you a $20 coupon when you sign up to sponsor a child that day.

Click here to find a store near you!

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