“... He dwells with you and will be in you.” -- John 14:17
When Debbie and I were first married, before I was saved and before I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, I dealt with some emotional issues and a lack of confidence. At times, I felt extremely inferior and, quite frankly, was very uncomfortable around people in large groups. Debbie, on the other hand, was confident and outgoing. So when we would go to get-togethers, she would quickly find a friend to chat with and leave me standing by myself. I just always felt alone and very uncomfortable in those situations. When we’d get in the car, I’d be furious with her and say, “You left me! I was all alone!”
However, several years later, after I received the baptism in the Holy Spirit, something completely changed. We went to a party and as usual, Debbie found a friend to talk with for a while. I remember standing there alone and thinking to myself, She did it again! She left me. Right at that moment, I heard the Holy Spirit say, “I’m here. You’re not alone,” and we began to have a conversation. It’s something we still do to this day. I can be in a crowd of people and have a conversation with the Holy Spirit, and He will begin to direct my attention to people around the room and show me ways I can pray for them.
At one party, the Holy Spirit pointed out a man who had just received a bad report from the doctor and was fearful about his future. I was able to encourage him and pray with him. Another time, I was led to speak with a lady who had recently lost her husband. All of these things happened because of my friendship with the Holy Spirit. I went from feeling insecure and alone to being an encouragement to people who desperately needed it.
If you struggle with loneliness, I can assure you that you’ll never feel alone when you have a friendship with the Holy Spirit. He has become my closest friend, and He wants to be yours too. No matter where you go, He’s right there with you to comfort you and work through you to be a blessing to the people around you.
Holy Spirit, thank You for never leaving me alone. When I feel lonely or insecure, please reveal Your presence to me and teach me how to be a blessing to those around me. Lead me daily and help me to develop an intimate relationship with You. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
- Psalm 139:7–8; John 14:16–18; Acts 5:32
- Acts 17:24–28
Taken from The God I Never Knew, a Gateway devotion.