Matthew 6:10
"…your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven."
The great Alan Redpath once said, "Before we can pray, 'Thy kingdom come,' we must be willing to pray, 'My kingdom go.' " Mercy Me, the great contemporary Christian band, put it this way: “How can I further your kingdom, when I'm so wrapped up in mine?” Great question.
Praying for God's Kingdom to come really focuses on three areas: the ultimate establishment of God's Kingdom, when every knee will bow and every tongue will confess that He is Lord (Philippians 2:10) … the establishment of His Kingdom priorities in our own lives … and finally, that His Kingdom will come to others in the form of salvation.
This aspect of the Lord's Prayer also helps orient our personal compass to "true north" -- God's will. I often say on my radio program that most of us Christians suffer from myopia … we are near-sighted. Our view of the Kingdom is usually limited to our church, our circle of friends, our neighborhood, and our immediate sphere of influence. That is, in Great Commission terms, our "Jerusalem," but the command certainly didn't stop there. It extended as far as the eye could see, and then some.
YOU have the opportunity, on a daily basis, to be a part of the incredible, grand sweeping narrative of God's Plan which is unfolding over space and time. It is the most REMARKABLE story ever told and YOU have been invited to play a part! Will you let the train go by, or will you get on board? God wants to use you in supernatural ways to play a role in His Kingdom Come … all you need to do is say YES! It might be in your church…it might be in your community…it might be in another part of the country or even another part of the world. Whatever it is, YOU will be playing an IMPORTANT role in the Greatest Story Ever Told.