Holy Week

A time to remember Thursday
  • That Jesus washed His disciples feet, setting the example that we are to be servants. . .there are no celebrities in ministry. . .the greatest among us is the least.
  • That when our personal world or the world around us unravels, we are not to worry but instead, trust Him. He’s in control.
  • That He has gone ahead to prepare a place for us, and will one day come to take us out of this world to be with Him forever in His Father’s House.  As bad as things may get, we still have hope for the future.
  • That He has not left us as orphans, but lives within us in the person of the Comforter. . .the Counselor. . .the Spirit of Truth. . .His Holy Spirit. We’re not alone.
  • That without Him we can do nothing, but that if we abide in Him, we can do all things, including bearing much fruit that remains. Ministry is worth it.
  • That if they hated Him, they will hate us. Service will not be easy.
  • That He knows how tough it is, and so He ever lives to make intercession for you and me.
A time to remember Friday. . .
  • The betrayal, the binding, the beatings. . .
  • The arrest, the abandonment, the accusations. . .
  • The scorn, the scourging, the sorrow. . .
  • The thorns, the taunts, the travail. . .
  • The criminals, the cross, the crimson flow. . .
  • The nakedness, the darkness, the loneliness. . .
  • The last words, the last breath. . .the death!                       
A time to remember Saturday. . .
  • The silence, the sadness, the stillness.
A time to remember. . .SUNDAY! has come!
  • And He’s coming back!
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