“Jesus, I don’t believe You are real. But if You are . . .” Those words were the beginning of a relationship between a converting Muslim and his Savior, and the blunt honesty of them has continued to shape the conversation ever since. And it’s a beautiful relationship. Like all good relationships, it’s based on honesty, even when the truth is unattractive. It’s thoroughly authentic.
Our relationship with God is already transparent from His point of view. He sees everything — every doubt, fear, criticism, offense, suspicion, bitterness, and selfish motive. We’re the ones who try to present something else, some veneer of spirituality that covers up the blemishes. But why? If God already knows where our hearts don’t believe, our judgments have been made, and our offenses isolate us, why not go ahead and be open about them? Only then does He begin to work on them and transform us. He loves authenticity.
Don’t turn authenticity into an occasion to complain or persist in negative thoughts. Many use “just being real” as an excuse for remaining stuck in lies. But do tell Him what you’re thinking, however ugly it is. Tell Him you don’t have faith that He’ll answer your prayer but you want to. Tell Him you were hurt when He allowed that hardship into your life, but you’re willing to see it from His perspective. Admit the struggle you have in your attitude toward another person, but invite Him to step into it with His love. Authenticity puts you on the fast track toward real change and the depths of intimacy with the Spirit.
Never fear complete honesty with God. He loves it. Present it with a heart open to change, and watch the change begin.