Honorable Reputation

"Her team has an honorable reputation and is well thought of by others" (Proverbs 31:23).

I've heard many analogies that compare athletic contests to battles. Like warring with an enemy, the usual feelings we foster in ourselves and our players toward other teams are ones of hostility. These attitudes of disdain, contempt or even hatred, don't reflect our heart of Christian love.

Because we act out these negative emotions in game situations, I'm assuming that our reputations as Christ-lovers may be a bit tarnished. Our competitors may respect us or fear us, but I doubt that they see us as acting any differently than non-believing coaches.

I began this year on a quest to prove that my team could be honorable, and we could be gracious and well-mannered toward the opposing teams and coaches. We decided to do this in a tangible way. Each player took a turn, bringing a cooler of Gatorade for the visiting team. The reactions we’ve received—ranging from shock, to disbelief and gratitude—have been priceless and well worth the cost of a case of drinks. 

Proverbs 22:1 (NASB) says, “A good name is to be more desired than great wealth, favor is better than silver and gold."

There are lots of ways we can enhance our reputations, but hospitality is certainly an easy one to embrace. Is your team respectful of others? Do you welcome teams or give them the competitive cold shoulder? Do you play by the rules and respect the officials? It's not too late to start repairing our reputations today. Try hospitality, it works!


Lord, teach me to love my co-competitors and help me to practice authentic hospitality when opposing athletes, coaches and fans visit my gym.  Nothing speaks louder than genuine kindness.

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