Hope That Does Not Disappoint

. . . and hope does not disappoint. (Romans 5:5 NAS)

Those words are music to our ears because the human heart thrives on hope and is all too familiar with disappointment. Of course, the promise applies to certain objects of hope, not just any desire that happens to enter our minds. But we know whatever God promises us is satisfying, and we desperately long for the fulfillment.

In English, “hope” can mean a lot of things. We hope for nice weather, a problem to work out, or a check to arrive in the mail today. Biblical hope is far more certain. It’s definite, something that will one day happen but just hasn’t yet. When you’re dealing with a God of promise, the future is just as real as the present. There are no “ifs” and “maybes.” What he has said is certain. We just haven’t gotten to it on the timeline yet.

Fill your life with certain hope in the promises of God. Look forward to them; even celebrate them now. His word is reality, whether it’s unfolding now or somewhere down the line. The human heart was built for hope like this. Satisfy your heart with hope today, and it will be satisfied with hope’s fulfillment in the days to come.






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