Hope When Relationships End

We all long for eternity, don't we? (At least I hope we all do!) The sound of that trumpet will be the most beautiful song we hear. We will see Christ come down in glory upon the clouds, and He will call us each by name. It sounds awesome, doesn't it?  Every Christian should long for this day, just as David writes, "So my soul pants for you, my God" (Ps. 42:1). Every inch of a believer's body should have a deep desire to be with Christ, our truest and best Friend.

I want you to think of one person who has walked into your life, touched your heart, and been there for you through the rough valleys, as well as the times in life when you feel you're floating on the clouds and then all the in-between situations life throws at us. You are truly thankful for this dear person, and you can't imagine your life without him or her. Suddenly, due to death, distance, or a broken relationship, this special person is no longer there. You feel torn and lost. It hurt immensely, doesn't it? You often ask God the question, "Why?"

Why did He take this dear person from you?

I personally have struggled with this a lot. The Lord has blessed me with a wonderful family and loving friends who have encouraged me and helped me along through my journey of life. There have been many people I have met on mission trips, at youth conferences, on vacations, etc., and I haven't been able to keep in touch with everyone. It would be impossible to keep that close of friendship with each one. The Lord has brought people into my life for short periods of time as well as long, and each one has touched my life in a unique special way and left an imprint on my heart. I miss these people dearly and I will never forget them or stop praying for them, but I still struggled with their absence.

I've often asked God, "Why did You have to take this dear friend away from me? Why have You let me love somebody, then take them away?"

I made this a matter of prayer. Then the Lord sent a good friend who I hadn't seen in a while, and I had the opportunity to sit down and talk with him. It was truly a blessing. He helped me fill in some of the gaps and encouraged me to lean on God and continue to trust Him. I will shortly summarize some of the things he said to me.

God does place special people and relationships within our lives. These relationships may last for a short time or a long time, but there is always a "heart connection" between true friends, no matter what transpires in the in-between times. I think we all long for eternity, where things don't change and what is good, right, and beautiful doesn't fade—including meaningful relationships. That thought makes heaven all the more wonderful and real!

But while on earth we will suffer from broken relationships, friends moving away from our lives, and even death, I think these things should motivate us to cherish the times we have with each person and to never take anyone for granted.

Ultimately, we need to remember that Jesus is our truest and best Friend! His friendship never disappoints, and it lasts forever. So draw close to Him, and let Him be your kindred spirit. He wants to have a beautiful and meaningful relationship with you, therefore, do not shrug Him off and leave Him behind. He loves you more than anybody will or ever could. Be encouraged because Jesus is the same yesterday, today, and forever, and someday we will be with Him in glory and be reunited with our loved ones who are also a part of God's family!

 This post was written by Rebekah Batterink.

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