How Beauty Ruined My Sense of Worth

I woke up, looked in the mirror, and immediately disliked what I saw. During the night my face decided to turn into a broken-out mess. Ugh! I was not a happy camper.

I try my best to keep my skin clean and fresh. I use natural products, drink tons of water, and avoid sugar, but despite my best efforts, sometimes my skin has a mind of its own. Can anyone else relate?

I wish I could say that I never wrestle with negative feelings about my self-worth, but that simply isn’t true. That morning as I went to apply my makeup, I found myself struggling. Thoughts swirled like:

My friends aren’t going to think I’m pretty.
Maybe they won’t like me as much.
Maybe they will think less of me because of my skin.

Those little lies pointed to a bigger lie, that my worth as a woman is tied to my outward appearance. It’s the lie that we are only as good as people think we look.

Stopping the Runaway Train

Before my thoughts ran away, I decided to do some personal counseling.

I preached truth to my soul, reminding myself of the truth found in God’s Word. Specifically . . .
I am valuable because of Christ (Romans 5:8).
I am worthy because of Christ’s worth in me (Philippians 1:27).
I am made in the image of God (Genesis 1:27).
My skin doesn’t dictate my worth.
My friends don’t dictate my worth.
Only my Maker has the authority to define my worth (Romans 9:21).

As I preached truth to myself, my entire outlook changed. I no longer felt depressed about my skin. I no longer struggled with feelings of worthlessness. I was content in who Christ made me to be, and I trusted that my friends and family’s love for me was more than skin deep.

Skin breakouts, weight issues, bad hair days, cellulite . . . the list of potential beauty struggles is long. We all have those days where we look in the mirror and think, I look horrible! Have you ever looked in the mirror and hated what you saw? Have you ever been tempted to define your worth based on your reflection?

I know that more bad skin days are in my future. I know more bad hair days are in my future. I know that more I-really-dislike-the-way-I-look days are waiting for me. So what do we do? How do we avoid letting those “bad” days ruin our sense of worth?

We need the truth implanted deeply in our hearts so we can grab on to it when the moment comes. When the I’m-feeling-ugly-and-worthless day arrives, we need to be ready to counsel our souls.

Here are the four truths that I preached to myself the morning of “The Breakout.”

1. Your worth has nothing to do with your outward appearance, but everything to do with God.

2. Your Maker is the only One who can give you worth.

3. Your sense of worth must be founded on the unchanging character of Christ and His love for you. Not your skin.

4. Focus on this truth, “I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; my soul knows it very well” (Psalm 139:14).

The next time you have one of those bad beauty days, remind yourself of these four truths. Focus on God’s truth, not what you see in the mirror.

By Bethany Baird

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