How Can You Be a Witness to a Watching World?

“… and forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors.”  Matthew 6:12

I was driving down the street one day and I pulled up behind a man at a red light. I looked at his car and I saw a bumper sticker on the back that said, “Honk if you love Jesus.” So the light turned green, and as I got in the left lane to pass him, I beeped my horn a few times and waved.

Well, I apparently infuriated that fellow. He had forgotten about the bumper sticker, so he threw his hands up in the air and started yelling at me out his window. I couldn’t tell exactly what he said, but I know for sure it wasn’t “Jesus loves you.”

As a believer, you’re going to live your life under a microscope. When people find out you’re a Christian, they’re going to look at how you live your life and make a judgment by seeing if it’s really made any difference. Fair or not, that’s how it goes!

So how do we live in front of a watching world? Humbly. Accept that you’re not perfect. Ask forgiveness when you make mistakes and show grace when others do. Serve the Lord passionately and you’ll be a powerful witness to a watching world.

Be a powerful witness to a watching world by living humbly, admitting when you're wrong, and showing grace to others. 


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