How Do You View God?

A. W. Tozer says, 'What comes into our mind when we think about God is the most important thing about us… were we able to extract from any man a complete answer to the question, 'What comes into your mind when you think about God?'  We might predict with certainly the spiritual future of that man.'

That's quite a bold statement, but I totally agree.  We can go around quoting “Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding” (Proverbs 3) all day long – but the greater question is – HOW BIG IS YOUR GOD?

It sort of goes back to the “Guy on a Buffalo” featured on a late night show.

If I’m a guy on a Buffalo, then I don’t have to worry about a bear. 

But if my view of the Buffalo – or God – is weak, it doesn’t matter how strong he actually is, my faith will not be as strong as it should be.

One of the funny things God says to Job when he’s complaining is, “Do you have an arm like God's?” (Job 40:9) 

Maybe God struck a pose, I don’t know but Job got the point – God is buff. 

The Rocky Mountains are his biceps.  

Listen to these verses:

With my great power and outstretched arm I made the earth and its people and the animals that are on it, and I give it to anyone I please. (Jeremiah 27:5)

Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. (Jeremiah 32:17)

It’s interesting that these passages refer to one arm.  It’s almost as if God is saying, “Look, I can handle anything with one hand tied behind my back.”

I need a God with a big arm.

I heard of two school kids bragging on the schoolyard.  One said, “My daddy can beat up your daddy.”  And the other kid goes, “Big deal!  So can my Mom.” 

One of the other important arm features in a person who you want protecting you is “reach.”  Muhammad Ali was “the greatest” partly because he had these six foot long arms.  It doesn’t matter how strong your arms are if you are swinging them in space while the other guy is pounding on you with his longer arms.  With that in mind, here are more arm scriptures…

Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear. (Isaiah 59:1)

Was my arm too short to ransom you? Do I lack the strength to rescue you? (Isaiah 50:2)

The Lord answered Moses, "Is the Lord's arm too short? You will now see whether or not what I say will come true for you." (Numbers 11:23)

Now that is good stuff.  “Are you… talking to me?”  “Are my arms too short?” 

Jesus said, “Therefore I tell you, DON’T WORRY.”

Because God’s arms are long enough and strong enough.  He is big enough and powerful enough to take care of anything and everything that comes your way.

God asks Abraham “Is anything too hard for the Lord?” (Genesis 18:14)  No way, he’s buff.

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