Measuring your IQ has been a standard evaluation tool for years and years. We determine how "smart" someone is by their IQ score. How about your EQ? Your emotional quotient. Your level of emotional intelligence. Your ability to read people, connect relationally, create long term friendships and relationships, etc.
Why is it that some folks just seem to have that sixth sense when it comes to connecting with people? Why is it that the one staff person can always talk the cranky accounting person into approving the difficult invoice that no one else can get pushed through? Or that sales person can get on the phone with the angry customer, and not only solve their issue and dissolve their frustration, but actually upsell them on a new product. Certain folks seem to always get a yes, when you've tried and tried and get nothing more than a no.
This comes back to your EQ level. High EQ leaders typically are persuaders. They tend to move into influential positions more quickly and stay there.
There's no question that the higher your level of influence, the more relational equity you need to have. Most notable leaders throughout history have high EQ scores.
High level deals require high level EQ. High level positions require high level EQ. High level opportunities usually require a leader with high EQ. To make it work you gotta be able to connect.
The greatest salespeople in the world have off the chart EQ scores. They can easily connect with you and ultimately make you feel so positive about a conversation or a product or service that you just can't help but say yes.
The dominant voice on Emotional Intelligence over the last several years has been Daniel Goleman. Goleman's book Emotional Intelligence: Why it can Matter More than IQ is the classic EQ book. I highly recommend it.
Remember to work on your EQ as much as your IQ. Find others around you who are incredible at reading people and connecting with people and learn from them. Ultimately, just remember that your EQ factor is just as important as your IQ factor.