How Right Are You?

I am married to a unique man. I know many of us say that, but I truly am. Steve is a game changer kind of guy.

While serving as executive pastor in a church, his real job, he initiated ministries like Metrolink, Parenting Alone, AWI, 2435 Kinwest Clinic, and Water is Basic, just to name a few.

And then, there are people like Jack. Jack is a driver in Kenya. He needed a way to make money to feed his family. Steve set up a little business for him, “Jack the Driver-Kenya” with Shirts, website and all. Oh, Steve has helped so many people in need. And I haven’t even mentioned the young boy he mentors in south Dallas. I remember when Steve got Demond into a charter school. Steve drove down to Demond’s house and rode the city bus with him for a week to make sure Demond knew the new route to school.

Steve does these kinds of things all the time. It’s in him, a part of him. He is truly a righteous man.

No, not the way you think of righteous. If you met Steve you would find he swears, smokes cigars and likes tequila. Not very righteous, right? Most of us equate that word with “choosing to do right things instead of wrong things.” It carries this idea of not doing wrong, of behaving well. But what if it doesn’t mean that at all? What if we have narrowed the definition to the point where we have missed the point?

What if righteousness refers to someone who is doing “just” things? Someone who is seeking justice for the poor, the widow, the orphan? What if this is its classic, prophetic use of the word in Scripture?

What if all these years we’ve been trying to behave right when God meant for us to act just?

To live a life that gives life; life to the marginalized, the ones who need Christians to rise up and fight for them.

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