How to Become a Better Mom - Day 7


A Mom’s Perseverance

Today’s post encourages us to persevere and to keep going, and offers some practical things we can do to become better moms and care for our children. If you keep doing what God has called you to do, Scripture promises that one day your kids will rise up and call you blessed.


Father, thank you for the promises in your Word. Please help me hold on tightly to them. Guide me as I nurture the children you’ve blessed me with, and help me to become a better mom day by day. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Being a mom is an important calling from the Lord. How are you stewarding this important responsibility?

Respond: Write down the B.L.E.S.S.E.D. acronym and list some practical ways you can live out each principle as you nurture your children and become a better mom.


Sometimes, when life as a mom gets overwhelming, it can be easy to forget that what you do for your family is making a huge impact in their lives. Whether we’re praying for our kids, carving out time to spend together as a family, or prioritizing the things on our to-do list so we can better manage our time, being a great mom is hard work. But when we persevere and don’t give up doing what God has called us to do, our children will one day rise up and call us blessed. What a beautiful and encouraging promise!

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