Intentional Living is all about bringing glory to Christ and finishing our lives strong. I believe, in order to finish strong, we need to evaluate how our lives stack up against all of the things we say we are, to all of the things we say we believe. All the things that we feel are important in life.
I believe it’s vital to do whatever it takes to develop the necessary habits that will create sustained daily action to live out your God-given purpose. We all develop habits, either on purpose or not.
There are three things required if you want to live an intentional life: habits of your mind, habits of your heart and habits of your behavior.
Habits of Your Mind
Many of us really have stinkin’ thinkin’. We’ve developed crummy habits in our thinking that may have started when we were kids. It is that moment when we begin to lie to ourselves, that limits our thinking. We begin to draw back and form the belief that God could never use me to do that, or that’s not my responsibility. We convince ourselves that we’re not capable or good enough. You can create positive habits in your mind by telling yourself the truth of what God’s Word says about you.
Habits of Your Heart
The habits of your thinking, promotes the habits of your heart. This works both ways—it can produce both positive and negative thinking. The Bible says, For as he thinks in his heart, so is he. I wrestle with worry. It’s one of the things I have to watch for. I know it comes from my thinking and can flow into my heart. It can fill my heart with worry and I fall into playing the “what if” games. I have to change how I see the outcome of the situation or circumstances by gaining God’s perspective and learning to trust Him.
Habits of Your Behavior
We all have habits of behavior. The list could become endless. The point is to do whatever it takes to develop the necessary habits, knowing that your purpose is to glorify Him, no matter how you finish that statement. You can develop habits of behavior that involves glorifying Him and loving others.