How to Flourish

"But the godly will flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon." Psalm 92:12

It seems people fall into one of two categories: they either have a green thumb or every plant they own dies. I fall into the second group and can’t keep plants alive, much less help them flourish. That’s why the idea that the godly would “flourish like palm trees and grow strong like the cedars of Lebanon” intrigues me.

I jumped on the horticulture bandwagon and did some research. Cedars of Lebanon grow to be 40-50 feet tall. They have upright branches which produce dark green foliage and cones that make their appearance beautiful. These trees live in full sun and can tolerate droughts.

Palm trees will flourish when given tender loving care. They thrive in healthy soil that is free of fungus. Are you seeing the spiritual similarities between these trees and Christians?

The branches on the strong cedar are upright; God calls us to walk in righteousness. Like the cedars of Lebanon must have full sun, we need to be full of God’s Son. Cedars can survive in dry conditions; we can get by without spending time with God (but isn’t it so much better to be refreshed by His Word?). 

Just as a palm tree needs fungus-free soil, we need sin-free hearts and should leave no sin left unconfessed. Palm trees thrive with gentle nurturing; we flourish under the tender loving care of God.

I love the word flourish! Let’s take a closer look at its meaning:  to bud, sprout, shoot, or bloom. My favorite part of this definition is shoot. Imagine a plant sending out off-shoots because it has received plenty of sun, water, healthy soil, and care. When we stay close to Jesus and His Word, steer clear of sin, and receive God’s love, we flourish. Then, we exude love, joy, peace, and humility. These characteristics draw others to God. Our flourishing will cause others to flourish. We can "pollinate" Christianity in others.

Let’s be inspired to live godly lives so that we can grow strong and share our faith with others.

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