How to Gain Credibility Fast

If you Google the word “credibility,” you will find approximately 22 million results.

Credibility is a funny thing, don’t you think?  It seems the only way to gain credibility is to already have it. Good thing for us, this isn’t always true.  Let’s start out with a simple, easy to understand definition of the word.

Credibility: the quality of being trusted and believed in.

Sounds easy, but for most people, especially those starting out in their career, it’s hard to know how to become credible specifically in your industry. Don’t fret!  I am here to help you overcome this!

Here are 3 tips on how to gain credibility in your industry:

1. Act ethically. 

That is…in all that you do, which eve includes times when people aren’t even watching.  When you are kind and respectful to all and act with integrity, you will gain people’s trust naturally.  One of my favorite quotes touches on this perfectly, said by Zig Zigler, “The foundation stones for balanced success are honesty, character, integrity, faith, love, and loyalty”.  Before you go to bed at night, ask yourself if your actions that day aligned with your ethics and morals.  When you are conscious about acting morally, you will see your own credibility grow in your network.

2. Fake it ‘til you make it. 

One of the best TEDx videos I’ve ever seen is Amy Cuddy’s “Your Body Language Shapes Who You Are." It's filled with valuable information and science-backed findings. (You can find the video at

Body language shapes how you are viewed by others and affects how you feel about yourself, so stop slouching, sit-up straight, and learn how body language can help you become more credible.

3. Use your voice.

For those of you who follow my blog, you have read about how I believe that being confident can make or break you. Use your voice to ask people in your network to endorse your skills, connect you to an industry leader, or give you advice on where you can find opportunities to grow your business or expertise.  As I have said before, the worst thing you can hear is “No”! Instead, more than likely you will see your network grow, and in turn, your credibility.  Send a couple of emails, start a conversation, and make new friends.  The sooner the better!

What are you actively doing to improve your credibility?

Written by Kendall Jackson

This blog post is from the Author's perspective and doesn't speak for brightpeak financial. Contact brightpeak if you want to know more about brightpeak products, and keep in mind that they are not available in all states and there are some limitations (some exclusions and restrictions may apply).

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