How to Keep the Romance Alive

You know, when we mention the idea of reviving romance to couples, we often hear, “romance, yeah right. My husband was romantic before we got married” or, “we had time for romance long before the kids came along” or, “I’m not that type—I don’t think of those things” or even, “my mate is way too practical for romance.” Well, it seems amid all the distractions of home and work and kids and life, it’s easy to let romance go by the wayside. But romance is a MUST if you want your relationship to grow into maturity.

Without frequent healthy doses of romance, the relationship will shrivel up. The key to romance is this: just do it. Most romantic things take very little time and yet the dividends can be great. So you may be asking, what’s the winning combination? It’s genuine love. It’s authentic laughter. And its thoughtful romantic acts.

Romance; the simple things, the intentional things, the caring things. It helps us wash over with memories and once again we’re reminded of why we married, why we cherish one another, and why we love one another. The important thing with romance is to think about the needs of your spouse. What is it that you’re going to do, even today to spark the romance in your marriage? Maybe even tonight—what are you going to do? Maybe it will be a look across a room, maybe it will be a listening ear, or maybe it will be a gentle hug. Perhaps it will be snuggling on the couch and holding hands and reminding each other of why you said, “I do,” and why today you want to say, “you know what baby, I still do.”

Husbands, show some romance to your precious wife. Remind her that you love her. She needs to hear it again and again and again. Most girls grow up on fairy tales and romantic stories and while those are just stories, they leave a woman longing for a little romance in her life. You see, romance is simply a matter of learning what lights up her eyes and puts a smile on her face. Chances are the same thing will work, time and time again.

Men, let us give you a couple of starters. Take your wife’s to-do list from her and do it for her! How about kiss her hand tonight after dinner. Dance with her in the moonlight. Ask her what romantic things she likes and then do them. Compliment her, especially for the little things. Go buy her flowers and say thanks for all you do for us. How about leaving secret notes in her car or even in the home?

Wives, think about your husbands. Maybe he has been working hard; he’s been distracted, he’s maybe even hit some frustrating times. Remind him, even tonight, that you honor him, you love him, you cherish him, that he is yours and you are his. And then, maybe just look at each other and say, “you know, it’s not a perfect life, but it’s a good life and a good life finishes well together.”

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