How do you approach your Bible reading time? Do you approach it with purpose and delight, knowing the Lord is going to meet you there? Or do you treat it like a duty? I want to adjust your thinking so that you can get the most out of your Bible study.
Sadly, some people don’t even know the Bible is God speaking to them — that God speaks — even today — through His Word. Hopefully, that’s not you. Hopefully, you know God’s Word, know that it’s true and that you can depend on it because that’s the whole purpose God has in giving us His Word. We are dependent on it … on Him. Our part is to apply faith to the Word.
The Word is where we get our help and strength. It is the foundation on which our faith acts. Faith applied to the Word changes our situation — it changes our lives.
The reason we read the Word is to let it talk to us. The Holy Spirit in our spirit will translate the words on the page, or what we hear preached, and put it into our hearts. He will make God’s Word understandable, and show us how it applies to our lives.
When we sit down with God’s Word, we should always do so convinced that it is going to change our lives. We should think, God has something to say to me and I’m listening. I’m expecting to have my faith built up. I’m ready to hear what He has to say to me and I’m ready to receive it!
When we approach the Word with that attitude we can expect things to happen. Whether we are after something specific or we are simply fellowshipping with God, the Word will reveal things to us. It will show us more clearly who we are in Christ, and who He is in us. It will direct our thoughts and actions, bring us to our knees in worship, and bring to our remembrance people who need our intercession.
We should never approach the Word with a “ho-hum” attitude, thinking, Well, I’ve done my duty today. No, our attitude should be something like, Wow, I’m looking forward to how the Word will guide my day.
Our expectations for revelation from the Word should be so high that we’re never surprised at what God speaks to us, but we’re amazed — ready and willing to allow the Word to work in our lives. We should always expect our faith to increase and take everything the Word has to give us! That’s how we read the Bible with purpose!