
One of the things that God has graced Iris’ ministry in Mozambique with is great power. Spiritual power that is...! Although they are among the ‘least’ they have great signs of power among them: people get healed (many children)- completely healed of AIDS and HIV… they’ve seen people raised from the dead (hundreds of them actually), and the deaf hearing, blind seeing etc.. The Bible tells us to hunger after all the gifts of the Spirit, and Jesus told the disciples that they (and us) would do even greater things than He did… last night I heard a great message on receiving more of the presence and power of Holy Spirit in our lives. Left me hungry for more of God.

I started to wonder what stops us from receiving more of God? In my life it’s usually a short list of barriers:

  1. unbelief: I can let skepticism grow a root and I don’t come to God believing that I’ll receive.
  2. unworthiness: I think I don’t deserve power (I get confused about Grace and gifts).
  3. satisfaction: I become satisfied with where I am… apathy makes me indifferent to God’s power.
  4. comfort: I know that God’s power comes at a great price (reputation, humility, persecution) and I often choose comfort over presence.
  5. pride: in the end – it all boils down to this. I don’t want to look weak, silly or weird… I want to be dignified and holy (not sure this is even an option).

I was reminded last night, that God’s presence and power is what sets us apart – it’s not just some ‘special moment’ we have with signs and wonders… it should be an everyday adventure with God as our guide, living full lives of supernatural power – and bringing a change to the world because we are bursting with God.

I say let’s beat down the barriers and charge forward for more of God… “Son of David, have mercy on me.”

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