My wife is a treasure! She’s precious. In addition to all of the many personal qualities about Angie that make her awesome – such as her tender, sweet heart, charming smile and her beauty – there’s this, and it’s from the Bible…
The man who finds a wife finds a treasure, and he receives favor from the Lord.
– Proverbs 18:22 NLT
Here’s a blunt truth… when all a guy can talk or think about is how much of a nag or a burden his wife is, it tells us way more about him and his attitude than about her.
Let me open that up just a bit. Man, you have a choice to make about your own attitude. If you appreciate your wife, care for her, honor her, and choose thoughts about her that are good and positive, you’re going to enjoy God’s favor and marriage will be a rich and satisfying experience for you. But if you stay focused on yourself and your own wants, you’ll create a standard she can never meet.
Dude, if you’re married, she’s a gift. God has been good to you – far better than you deserve, in fact. Therefore…
- Cherish and value her, like a found treasure.
- Honor and respect her as a gift from God.
- Show her off by speaking well of her and refusing to talk about her faults to others.
- Protect her and provide for her.
- Desire her, pursue her, and be the first to show your affection for her.
- Listen to her heart. Then listen some more, before responding.
- Lead her, not because you get to be the boss, but because she needs and wants you to be in front spiritually.
- Stare at her and remind yourself how good God has been!
Here’s a tip (from a guy who is still figuring all this out myself): Make your phone’s lock screen a picture of her pretty face smiling back at you.
All couples go through tough times, and there are times when we need to honestly confront the faults in our spouse, but our view ought to always ultimately be for her good, not for our own.
Remember, you’re responsible to God as a steward over every relationship in your life. And if you’re married, no other relationship is as important as your marriage. Someday, you’ll stand before the Creator God of the entire universe, whose name is Holy, and answer this question: How’d you treat the treasure – my daughter – that I gave you?