Matthew 26:14-16
Then one of the Twelve—the one called Judas Iscariot —went to the chief priests and asked, “What are you willing to give me if I hand him over to you?” So they counted out for him thirty silver coins. From then on Judas watched for an opportunity to hand him over.
What would you do for four months of wages? I don't make a lot of money, but if you offer me four months of wages in a single transaction it would get my attention, to say the least. There are bills to be paid, things I would like to do with my wife and children, college and other future expenses to worry about…you get the picture. How about you? Stop for a moment and ponder what you would do with a check equal to four months of your wages…
Although we might not turn Jesus over to the religious leaders who wanted him dead, I'm pretty sure we betray Him on an almost daily basis for far less:
- Perhaps it's an indulgence in some juicy gossip or slander…
- Maybe a few spicy moments with some sexual fantasy or a flirtatious co-worker…
- A dip in the pool of resentment or anger to cool off from some encounter with an enemy…
- Maybe a delectable taste of pride as we bask in our own accomplishments or abilities…
I'm quite sure that Judas had a good reason for betraying Jesus, at least in his own sin-soaked thinking, but before we start hurling stones at him we better look at the plank in our own eyes. Every sin we commit is a betrayal of our Lord and Savior. He has told us that if we love Him we must obey His commands (John 14:15), so with every passing sin comes a subtle, "I just don't love you enough right now." For most of us, that fills us full of shame. In the end, it had the same effect on Judas, so he chose to kill himself rather than repent and seek forgiveness.
Yes…it's easy to point our finger at Judas and condemn him for his despicable actions, but I hope that none of us will ever forget that we are just another sin away from wearing that very same robe of betrayal. When you slip it on…and you will…get to 1 John 1:9 as quickly as you can and confess to the One you have betrayed. He will forgive you of your sin and cleanse you from that unrighteousness.