I Can Make My Own Rules

Q: I really like a lot of the Christian colleges I've visited, but I keep getting hung up on one thing. It seems like many of these colleges have a lot of rules: about attending chapel, about when you can visit members of the opposite sex in their dorms, even about dancing. To be honest, I was looking forward to making my own decisions about things like this, and it's hard for me to get excited about going someplace with more rules. I'm supposed to be a responsible adult, but these rules don't make me feel like one. What can I do? How can I try to have a good attitude about this?
A: Any school you attend will have rules, but you'll also have plenty of choices. I doubt that you would feel like your college would be running your life. Still, even at those schools with many lifestyle expectations, the rules are well- intentioned and provide an environment where you can make the most of your education. You may find that the rules actually help you. For example, your roommate's girlfriend can't be in your room every night when you want to study there. Or a chapel speaker that you might not have chosen to hear may speak to your heart and touch your life. You might even find that dancing isn't as important to you as being in a college that provides a great education, that prepares you to be a Christian and a biologist, or a Christian and a teacher, or a Christian and an accountant.
Here's my suggestion: As you visit different colleges, talk with some students about your concerns. Ask them how they feel living under the rules. Not every school will be a good fit for you. But if you find a Christian college that has a lot to offer, you may find that the rules become easier to accept. After all, you'll have the privilege of being part of a campus community that is a good fit for you in every other way. You may realize that you are gaining far more than you are giving up. 
Written by Judy Moseman
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