I Can’t Let Go of the Past

Oh, the things we have done in the past.

Maybe it’s not things plural. It could be just one thing that haunts us and makes life miserable for us today.

Like the guy who thought he was eternally condemned because of something he said about God during his teenage years.

Or the lady who bases her self-image on a one-night stand she had in college.

Yes, these sins have their consequences, and in both of these cases, the consequences have been severe. So severe, that the sins of the past are ruining their lives today.

Is there a way to let go of those sins? Is there a way to leave them in the past?

The Bible answers with a resounding “Yes!” And this answer is tied to forgiveness.

The word forgiveness means to send away or to let go. When the Bible says that your sins have been forgiven, it means that Christ has…

  • Removed your sins from you – Psalm 103:12
  • Sent your sins away – Hebrews 9:28
  • Dismissed your sins – Romans 4:7
  • Let your sins go from His further notice or care – Hebrews 10:17, 18
  • Released you from your relationship with sin and death and set us free to experience new life in Christ – Romans 8:1, 2.

Here is the good news. Jesus Christ does not dredge up your past sins and use them against you.

He judged your sins and suffered the penalty of death for them. Then, He sent them away.

Let this truth soak in.

You will realize there is no need to let your past sins enter the equation in determining your present or your future.

The work of Jesus defines who you are today. In the past you were a sinner. But not now. Through faith in Jesus Christ, you are a child of God, totally forgiven and perfectly loved.

Have you struggled with letting go of the past?

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