Do you have a cabinet? I don’t mean do you have a covered shelf—I mean, do you have a cadre of trusted advisors whose opinions you weigh carefully and whose advice you welcome? Trusting only self—consulting with only old number one—is a dangerous practice.
What happens when we listen only to ourselves? When I was growing up, we listened to music on phonographs, and then on “record players.” We enjoyed it. There was no noise reduction then, no surround sound or complex balancing of treble and bass, but ignorance was bliss! We enjoyed what we heard. Now those in my generation have developed a more “sophisticated ear.” Phonographs and record players are obsolete. The “flat” sound we listened to as teenagers has been given a whole new dimension by compact discs, digital recording, and stereos with instrument panels that resemble that of a 747.
When we listen only to our own voice, we live by a flat sound. When we pass up the symphony of other voices in favor of our own solo, we are operating at a disadvantage. My heart is wicked. Yours is, too. We need the straight stick of God’s Word to live by, and the voices of other, trusted friends to tune our lives to play out the music of His grace
That which proceeds out of the man is what defiles the man (Mark 7:20).
Luke 8-9; Revelation 6