When you’re learning a new concept in math, it can be so overwhelming. I mean, come on, dividing with remainders? Is that even a real thing? Sometimes, no matter how hard you try, it doesn’t make sense. You want to scream, “I don’t get it!”
Sometimes we want to yell “I don’t get it!” when we’re talking about God too. Paul, one of God’s most famous pastors of all time, didn’t always understand either. As he was writing to some believers who lived in Rome, he reminded them, “God’s riches, wisdom, and knowledge are so deep that it is impossible to explain his decisions or to understand his ways. ‘Who knows how the Lord thinks? Who can become his adviser?’ Who gave the Lord something which the Lord must pay back? Everything is from him and by him and for him. Glory belongs to him forever! Amen!” (Romans 11:33-36).
When you look at God, it’s okay to say, “I don’t get it.” How could God send his Son to die for me? How can his Son also be God? Why do I get the credit? How can God live in heaven but his Holy Spirit also lives inside of me?
Even when you know the answers, things still don’t always make sense. That’s why we trust that God has it all under control. His way of working is so much more awesome than our minds can even fathom. So we just trust and give him the glory.
Sometimes we still have questions. Our God has all the answers.
(You’ll still have to figure out the math problem, though.)
Chomp on this!
What about God doesn’t make sense to you?