I Don't Believe in Luck

“Good luck”!  That sound’s so strange to say, especially coming from a Christian.

I don’t believe in luck, and I hope you don’t either. Instead of wishing someone good luck, I prefer to say, “May God bless you.” 

Proverbs 24:3-4 says this: “By wisdom a house is built, and through understanding it is established; through knowledge its rooms are filled with rate and beautiful treasures.”  What a wonderful insight into God’s economy. 

The blessings we receive come not through luck or random chance but through wisdom, understanding and knowledge.   God wants us to rely upon these characteristics that He provides, not on what the world calls luck.

Lotteries are promoted as an inexpensive way to get what we need and to get it all at once.  Tickets are purchased based on chance. Buying a lottery ticket is an admission that you believe in luck -- not God -- to provide for your needs. 

With that mindset, Proverbs 24: 3-5 would read: “By the lottery my house has been built, and through a great stroke of luck it has been established. Through random chance I chose the correct numbers and my rooms have been filled with rare and beautiful treasures.” 

When we make that choice to participate in a lottery or other forms of gambling, we put our faith in chance, karma and luck.  We cannot believe in both luck and God’s providence.  We cannot say we are relying upon God and His principles and buy a lottery ticket.  Many argue that they believe God provides through their gambling.   I can find no support for that in the Bible.  Gambling requires that all the other participants lose in order for one to win. This is not God’s desire.

Another reason I don’t believe in luck is that the Bible teaches us that God is sovereign even in the outcome of casting lots!  “The lost is cast into the lap, but its every decision is from the Lord,” Proverbs 16:33.

That is why investing is not gambling. It is risk, yes. But we use our minds. We are relying on wisdom, understanding and knowledge when we invest -- and only on luck when we gamble on a lottery ticket.

How do you respond when someone wishes you “good luck”? 


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